Institute for Rural Health Studies

Our Work




For more than 30 years, IRHS has worked to demonstrate that the complex problems of rural health care in India can be overcome through intelligent and innovative solutions focused at the grassroots.
The components of the IRHS healthcare system are:

  • Village clinics in a remote rural area of a chronically drought-prone district
  • Screening women for cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions
  • Travelers' Aid for the Sick - an office in the Hyderabad central bus station
  • Patient Counselors located in both the bus station office and in tertiary care level public and private hospitals

IRHS uses an integrated strategy to provide rural people the healthcare services they require to make a full recovery where possible. Every year this strategy helps thousands of marginal and small farm families overcome critical medical problems, many of which are poverty-related and without our intervention would render them unable to support their families.