Fighting cervical cancer

Cervical cancer remains the leading cause of mortality for adult women in India. Three quarters of the world's burden of cervical cancer falls on developing countries such as India.

Late presentation of women with cervical cancer is predominantly due to both inadequate knowledge and lack of effective screening, especially in rural areas.


In 2001, IRHS became one of the first to implement cervical cancer screening and treatment using visual inspection of the cervix. We offer free screening in village clinics and in our own outpatient departments in four district hospitals in Telangana. If a suspected pre-cancerous lesion is found it is sampled and sent to a pathologist to be read, and, if proved positive, treated using cryotherapy (freezing). Women with invasive carcinoma are referred to Hyderabad’s cancer hospital for treatment. 

Programme services

  • Screening rural women for cervical cancer by VIA and VILI, as part of a cervical cancer screening programme
  • Diagnosing and treating routine gynaecological problems
  • Educating women about cervical cancer and the importance of cervical screening 
  • Educating women about breast cancer and the importance of regular self-screening

Our impact since 2001

women screened for cervical cancer

received cancer treatment  and preventive care

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