Care for the aged 

The combination of urban migration, harsh living conditions and rising inequality has left many widows alone in villages. As they become older, they reach a tipping point where they are not able to care for themselves.

Living alone they are no longer able to access water (as many do not have a tap), to navigate local transport (often buses are too high to get on) and have no access to basic healthcare.


IRHS is proud to announce that the 'Granary,' a home for widows, is nearing  completion. i Backed up by the Dokur clinic and trained healthcare staff, The Granary will also be equipped with a community centre and a crèche for children under 3 of local women who are landless labourers. The community centre and living quarters have been completed and we are currently building the boundary wall and obtaining furnishings.

Granary services: 

  • Bedrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Bathrooms 
  • Washing facilities
  • Garden 
  • Community centre 
  • Living quarters for an in-house paramedic and volunteers

The Granary will provide integrated services and a usable infrastructure for comfortable living. Widows will have a garden to grow vegetables and rear chickens. 

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