Bhavani's search for help

Since birth, Bhavani had a slight curve in her spine. As she grew so did the curve until the pain became unbearable.

14-year-old Bhavani was scared when she arrived at the IRHS Dokur clinic, she said, "As I've got older the pain hurts so much, it's difficult to walk. I'm worried that I'll have to stop going to school."


Bhavani is the youngest in her family. Her parents are landless labourers burdened with large loans taken in order to construct a house and to cover expenses due to the impact of the coronavirus. After visiting many hospitals, Bhavani lost hope. The government hospitals did not have the equipment for the surgery and the private hospitals were too costly.

Bhavani visited our rural clinic in Dokur and she was quickly referred to a hospital in the capital city of Hyderabad. Bhavani's parents were relieved to have found help. Bhavani's mother said, "The moment we arrived in the clinic they spoke to us kindly, gave attention to my daughter and assured us they would help."

Bhavani was diagnosed with Congenital Thoracolumbar Scoliosis, a sideways curvature of the spine that babies are born with. After two surgeries, Bhavani is now walking with ease. She is class 10 and looking forward to finishing school. She loves her native language Telugu and would like to study it further and become a teacher. 

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