Academic publications
1. The role of pigeon-peas in village diets
Bidinger, P. and Bhavani Nag. 1981. The role of pigeon-peas in village diets, pp. 357-364 in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Pigeonpeas, 15-19 December,1980. ICRISAT. Patancheru, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
2. Aspects of intestinal parasitism in villagers from rural peninsular India
Bidinger, P.D., D.W.T. Crompton and Susan Arnold. 1981 Aspects of intestinal parasitism in villagers from rural peninsular India. Parasitology 83: 373-380.
3. The determinants of individual diets and nutritional status in six villages of southern India
Ryan, J.G., P.D. Bidinger, N. Prahlad Rao and P. Pushpamma.1984. The determinants of individual diets and nutritional status in six villages of southern India. Research BulletinNo. 7. Patancheru, A.P., India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
4. Nutritional and health consequences of seasonal fluctuations in household food availability
Bidinger, P.D., B.Nag and P. Babu. 1986. Nutritional and health consequences of seasonal fluctuations in household food availability. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 8(l):35-60.
5. Factors Affecting Intra-family Food Distribution in a South Indian Village
Bidinger, P.D., B. Nag and P. Babu. 1986. Factors Affecting Intra-family Food Distribution in a South Indian Village. Report to The Ford Foundation, New Delhi. Hyderabad, India: Institute for Rural Health Studies.
6. A possible focus of schistosomiasis in Andhra Pradesh, India
Bidinger, P.D. and D.W.T. Crompton. 1989. A possible focus of schistosomiasis in Andhra Pradesh, India. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83(4):526.
7. Economic, Health and Nutritional Consequences of the Mid-1980's Drought on a Tank-Irrigated, Deccan Village in South India
Bidinger. P.D., T.S. Walker, B. Sarkar, A. Ram Murthy and P. Babu. 1990. Economic, Health and Nutritional Consequences of the Mid-1980's Drought on a Tank-Irrigated, Deccan Village in South India. Progress Report No. 98, Economics
Group, Resource Management Program, ICRISAT. Patancheru P.O., India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
8. No need for water supplementation for exclusively breast-fed infants under hot and arid conditions
Almroth, Stina and Patricia D. Bidinger. 1990. No need for water supplementation for exclusively breast-fed infants under hot and arid conditions. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 84:602-604.
9. Health in rural south India: new approaches
Bidinger, P.D. 1990. Health in rural south India: new approaches. British Medical Journal, 301:1441-1443.
10. Consequences of the mid-1980's drought: longitudinal evidence from Mahbubnagar
Bidinger, P.D., T.S. Walker, B. Sarkar, A. Ram Murthy and P. Babu. 1991. Consequences of the mid-1980's drought: longitudinal evidence from Mahbubnagar. Economic and Political Weekly. 26(39):105-114.
11. Women's Work and Its Relationship to Child Health and Welfare
Bidinger, P.D. 1993. Women's Work and Its Relationship to Child Health and Welfare. Report to The Ford Foundation, New Delhi. Hyderabad, India: Institute for Rural Health Studies.
12. The Impact of Women's Work on Child and Maternal Health
Bidinger, P.D. (Contributor) 1995. The Women's Work and Child Development Research Network.(India) The Impact of Women's Work on Child and Maternal Health. Summary report of the Network. The Ford Foundation. New York.
13. Oral health status of a rural population in Andhra Pradesh
Madden, I.M., C.A. Stock, R.D. Holt and P.D. Bidinger. 1998. Oral health status of a rural population in Andhra Pradesh. International Dental Journal. 48(3):348.
14. Oral hygiene practice/periodontal status of a rural population in Andhra Pradesh
Madden, I.M., C.A. Stock, R.D. Holt and P.D. Bidinger. 1998. Oral hygiene practice/periodontal status of a rural population in Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Dental Research. 77 Special Issue B:324.
15. Access to oral health care in an Indian rural population
Madden, I.M., C.A. Stock, R.D. Holt and P.D. Bidinger. 1999. Access to oral health care in an Indian rural population. Journal of Dental Research. 78 Special Issue:324.
16. Oral diagnosis by primary health care workers in rural India
Madden, I.M., C.A. Stock, R.D. Holt and P.D. Bidinger. 2000. Oral diagnosis by primary health care workers in rural India. Journal of Dental Research. 79 Special Issue: 592
17. Oral health status and access to care in a rural area of India
Madden IM, Stock CA, Holt RD, Bidinger PD. Oral health status and access to care in a rural area of India. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, 2000 2(4): 110 - 114
18. Sustained Oral Health Improvement and Use of Toothbrushes and Dentifrice By Previous Users of Traditional Materials in a Rural Population in Andhra Pradesh
Madden IM, Newman H., Hall C., Brading MG., Ketkar V. Bidinger PD. Sustained Oral Health Improvement and Use of Toothbrushes and Dentifrice By Previous Users of Traditional Materials in a Rural Population in Andhra Pradesh. International Dental Journal, 2004
19. The effect of a soap promotion and hygiene education campaign on handwashing behaviour in rural India: a cluster randomized trial
Adam Biran, Wolf-Peter Schmidt, Richard Wright, Therese Jones, M. Seshadri, Pradeep Isaac, N A Nathan, Peter Hall, Joleen Mckenna, Stewart Granger, Pat Bidinger and Val Curtis. The effect of a soap promotion and hygiene education campaign on handwashing behaviour in rural India: a cluster randomized trial. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2011 14 (10):1303-1314
20. VIA screening program: 7 years experience in early detection of cervical cancer and pre cancers in rural south India
P. Usha Rani, P D Bidinger and Swarnalatha G. VIA screening program: 7 years experience in early detection of cervical cancer and pre cancers in rural south India. Indian Journal of Community Medicine. Manuscript number 3330. 2014.