Volunteers, both medical and non-medical, are highly valued by IRHS and are a vital part of what makes us so dynamic. Without their skilled and innovative support IRHS would not be where it is today.
Please get in touch to discuss how you could use your skills and experience to help us and make a difference to many lives in rural south India.
Medical volunteers
The key role of the medical volunteers is to help IRHS paramedics learn primary healthcare techniques. In addition to teaching / mentoring the paramedics. Medical volunteers have helped us develop in many ways:
- women's healthcare issues
- consultation skills
- physiotherapy
- clinic management
- training the team of paramedics and healthcare workers
- shaping the way that the clinics are run
- developing healthcare policy
We welcome contributions from all medical professions; doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc. This is your opportunity to make a difference to lives in rural India. If you are an interested medical volunteer please contact IRHS.
Non-medical volunteers
We are looking for people with broad abilities. Some of the areas that non-medical volunteers can help in are:
- administration
- information technology
- communications
- construction / building work
- programme management
- improving how the IRHS is managed
- using IT to improve certain things e.g. accounts management, our website
- helping to construct an extension to the Dokur village clinic
IRHS requires volunteers with a range of skills, please get in touch to see how you can help.
Volunteer information
All volunteers leave behind lasting improvements in the way IRHS works, and we believe that sustainable development is the key.
All volunteers must be able to demonstrate a useful skill set whether medical or non-medical and have a real belief that they can make a positive contribution to people's lives in India.
Normally volunteers work with us for 2 to 6 months. The minimum period a volunteer can work with IRHS is 8 weeks. Medical students who wish to do their electives with us must spend a minimum of 6 weeks.
If you're interested in volunteering, please contact us to go through the possibilities. We can also put you in touch with previous volunteers so that you can hear about their experiences.